Proverbs in shona-zimbabwe


Dr. Shumirai Nyota

Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe.

Proverb: Kure kwegava ndokusina mutsubv
Translation: A wild dog will go anyway where the mutsubvu fruit tree is found
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Musikana chihambakwe asvika anokanda chibw
Translation: A girl is a mound (of stones made by passersby where paths cross for wading off bad luck), whoever passes by throws a stone/ A girl is open for courtship by all prospective husbands
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Charovedzera charovedzera, gudo rakakwira mawere kwasvib
Translation: Because of experience baboons climb slopes even during the night in darkness
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Zingizi gonyera pamwe, maruva enyika haaper
Translation: Wasp coil in one place, flowers of the world are inexhaustible.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Kudada kwevari mugomo kumbira mapfihwa kune vari pasi
Translation: It is vanity of those who leave in the hills to ask for fireplace stones from those who live in the valley. Those who have should not ask to be given by those who have no means
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Kugona mbavha huironger
Translation: Set a trap to catch a thie
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Igaroziva kuti mai mukadzi wabab
Translation: It is known that mother is father’s wife
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Chinoziva ivhu kuti mwana wembeva anorwar
Translation: It is the soil that knows about the illness of mouse’s child
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Chakafukidza dzimba mateng
Translation: What hides the insides of houses are roofs
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Ane bhonzo ane nyama hazvienzani neasin
Translation: One with a born (meat) is better than one without.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe